Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Bad Faith Dead End

This morning, addressing the bots and users of Twitter, Inc., President Trump angrily proclaimed that "THE RIGGED AND CORRUPT MEDIA IS THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!" He should know, he is the master of ceremonies of the oldest and greatest show on Earth--the ancient bad faith performance that also employs the representative class.

In the American four-ring circus, the public administration "estates" are set up to enable privileged access to power, and pervasive, reliable gaslight for the people. The system was very effective as long as the gaslight could be maintained, but as it happens, gaslight is extinguished by the light of sapience. In this information revolution, the gaslight gang is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain its systemic lies and provoke destructive "game-changing" distractions. Hence the unhinged public violation of every good faith precept on behalf of self-preservation. Everything is game now.

The truth is that the system was created to be in opposition to the people and corrupt, and is decorated with ultimately disposable moral affectations. It is the mortal enemy of actual democracy, not of the republican "socialism" that it invokes as a bogeyman. It offers nothing of actual value for humankind. Thankfully, its day of reckoning is here.

Those who act as adversaries of humankind are lucky that they are contending with sapient beings with civilized standards, instead of punitive, amoral opportunists like them. It is the only factor that is unquestionably in their favor. That is why they have abused it for so long. We are quite decent, indeed, and far from stupid.

If human existence were intended to be the zero-sum contest for survival that its hijackers insist on, they wouldn't be here instead of the descendants of their victims. Unless, of course, institutionalized breaches of faith, habitual genocide, and widespread environmental degradation is what a superior evolutionary adaptation is made of. The evidence indicates that at the highest level, they don't know what they're doing. They think that keeping the severed hand of God in a box, and under control through human sacrifice, is what it means to contend with God. Obviously, they don't know or they have forgotten what God actually is.

The keepers of humankind have a God-powered, privilege-driven stationary contrivance, although they call it "civilization" and deny the source of their power. This is the vehicle of structural dysfunction that they plot to conquer the universe with. No kidding. They inadvertently demonstrate what it means to contend unsuccessfully with their own limitations.

Actual, cosmically scalable civilization is possible only as a good faith endeavor. The existential choice is between that, and the fundamentally untenable information disparity which humankind has been subjected to historically. We're not going anywhere together until everyone is on the same page. That is a fact, not a demand. Actual civilization is reconstitutable from any of its individuals. That seems to be the essence of the message I embody. It stands to reason then that God is synonymous with actual civilization.

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