Friday, April 26, 2019


Cockle and hen is Cockney for ten,
The number of James,
The shell of the father
And the mother of men.

The chi in existence escapes now and then.
Both chicken and egg,
He's kept for his ova
And killed for his ken.

Then, he's brought back to life again and again.

Friday, April 12, 2019

The Sacrificial Black Hole

The catharsis cult kills in order to add appreciative value to life, but of course, no amount of killing is ever able to increase life's actual value. The practice of such conspicuous psychopathy can be the religion only of murderers and fools. Its true saints are the people whose acts haunt the human conscience. Consider the profusion of serial killer hagiographies produced for mass consumption. Its true devotion, promoted for profit, is to existential darkness. The culture it engenders is a contest to determine who is willing to sacrifice the most for power the Bridegroom's affection.

This Jealous construct turns everything to garbage, starting at the top.

Case in point: to add appreciative value to Judeo-Christian culture, the catharsis cult offers Notre Dame Cathedral as a burnt sacrifice. Thankfully, this time its victim is only a building.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

The Ultimate Authority

The Bible was composed on the back of God precisely to serve as the ultimate authority for the Israelites. Today, despite the progress of thousands of years, it remains the ultimate authority for the cultures that it gave rise to. It is still quoted widely as if it were incontrovertible evidence of existential truth.

Now that its temporal tentacles can be visualized so clearly, and its substitutionary deception is apprehended, it is obvious that the authors of the Bible were as dishonest and domineering as its contemporary keepers. The so-called Word of God is as false as the Israeli propaganda that introduces the current volume.

Simply put, the Bible is the pretext and subreptitious justification for existential domination in story form. It is the menacing standard of hereditary privilege and subordinate fealty. God is the Bible's hostage and humankind is its slave.

In actuality, the ultimate authority has always been the individual conscience. That's why the Game works to corrupt it.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Banality of Israel

The Holocaust was a monstrous burnt offering arranged by racist, authoritarian Jews and their ideological cohorts to teach cosmopolitan Jews a definitive lesson, drive a permanent insurmountable wedge between Jews and humankind, and pay in sacrifice for the establishment of the racist, authoritarian state of Israel.

At the highest level, hereditary privilege is organized in ways that most people can't imagine. They are effectively in control of everything, including the ghettos. It is through their clandestine networks that their primitive idea of a deity can do almost anything.

Now, in its existential desperation, it is finally clear what Israel actually is and who its friends truly are. Israel is the author of humankind's chronic dysfunction and the shepherd of its demons; it is humankind's deceiver disguised as its teacher, its abuser disguised as its victim.

Ever since I realized what is happening, the world has been effectively ruined for me. I would apologize for ruining it for others, but it is unquestionably better to know the truth. I almost died a year ago from deliberate medical self-neglect, but my family saved me in time. So here I still am, doing the only thing that matters.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Dumpster Diving for the Truth

This is the condescending garbage I look through every day. I used to also visit Alternet, Salon, and Slate, but their advertisement gateways repeatedly allowed malicious code to run on my computer.
Google News
New York Times
Washington Post
The Guardian
El Pais
Wall Street Journal
New Yorker
Huffington Post
Vanity Fair
The Atlantic
The Nation
New Republic
Common Dreams
Global Research
Democratic Underground
They are very good at pretending. After thousands of years of practice, deception is the one thing they excel at. If only sapient existence and civilization were about faking it, they would be the winners they want so desperately to be. Thankfully, their abusive pedagogy has worn quite thin. Now all they do is howl wolf.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Sentience and Sapience

Despite how it is popularly understood, sentience is simply awareness enabled by a nervous system. Etymologically, the word means "capable of feeling." Most, if not all, animals are sentient to one degree or another.

The quality that makes us special among animals is our sapience. We are homo sapiens, not homo sentiens. But the oppressive mindset that treats human beings like animals, and animals like things, doesn't like to acknowledge that we are made to be wise and animals are made to feel.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Bad Faith Dead End

This morning, addressing the bots and users of Twitter, Inc., President Trump angrily proclaimed that "THE RIGGED AND CORRUPT MEDIA IS THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!" He should know, he is the master of ceremonies of the oldest and greatest show on Earth--the ancient bad faith performance that also employs the representative class.

In the American four-ring circus, the public administration "estates" are set up to enable privileged access to power, and pervasive, reliable gaslight for the people. The system was very effective as long as the gaslight could be maintained, but as it happens, gaslight is extinguished by the light of sapience. In this information revolution, the gaslight gang is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain its systemic lies and provoke destructive "game-changing" distractions. Hence the unhinged public violation of every good faith precept on behalf of self-preservation. Everything is game now.

The truth is that the system was created to be in opposition to the people and corrupt, and is decorated with ultimately disposable moral affectations. It is the mortal enemy of actual democracy, not of the republican "socialism" that it invokes as a bogeyman. It offers nothing of actual value for humankind. Thankfully, its day of reckoning is here.

Those who act as adversaries of humankind are lucky that they are contending with sapient beings with civilized standards, instead of punitive, amoral opportunists like them. It is the only factor that is unquestionably in their favor. That is why they have abused it for so long. We are quite decent, indeed, and far from stupid.

If human existence were intended to be the zero-sum contest for survival that its hijackers insist on, they wouldn't be here instead of the descendants of their victims. Unless, of course, institutionalized breaches of faith, habitual genocide, and widespread environmental degradation is what a superior evolutionary adaptation is made of. The evidence indicates that at the highest level, they don't know what they're doing. They think that keeping the severed hand of God in a box, and under control through human sacrifice, is what it means to contend with God. Obviously, they don't know or they have forgotten what God actually is.

The keepers of humankind have a God-powered, privilege-driven stationary contrivance, although they call it "civilization" and deny the source of their power. This is the vehicle of structural dysfunction that they plot to conquer the universe with. No kidding. They inadvertently demonstrate what it means to contend unsuccessfully with their own limitations.

Actual, cosmically scalable civilization is possible only as a good faith endeavor. The existential choice is between that, and the fundamentally untenable information disparity which humankind has been subjected to historically. We're not going anywhere together until everyone is on the same page. That is a fact, not a demand. Actual civilization is reconstitutable from any of its individuals. That seems to be the essence of the message I embody. It stands to reason then that God is synonymous with actual civilization.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Clearing the Ideological Minefield

Since it seems that people value my opinion, I am compelled to gently weigh in on two controversial subjects that are framed to hinder us politically. We are encouraged to identify with one of two mutually exclusive positions for almost every problem in order to prevent us from solving them and putting the "culture war" demagogues out of business. From a perspective informed by an affection for humankind and old-fashioned existential wisdom, all of our problems have common sense solutions.

First, it is necessary to consider that for a fully developed civilization, laws are practically obsolete. That is to say that they are no longer needed. For such a civilization, individual enlightenment is a matter of course.

From a moral perspective, the "pro-life" faction has a more compelling moniker. From the point of view of civilization, abortion is a failure of information. Having a developing human being removed from its mother and disposed of is not "reproductive choice," it is a costly, dehumanized solution to a problem that is usually the result of an elementary mistake. Birth control is reproductive choice.

That said, in order to prevent improvised disasters initiated in desperation, abortion should be available as a medical procedure with humane restrictions that favor the developing life. Folks who object to abortion on religious grounds would be wise to champion sex education and birth control, unless they are prepared to accept the "mistakes" of their children with open arms, which they should on principle anyway.

I remember being young with too much sex drive and not enough information. Regrettably, because of that, I am partially responsible for three abortions with two women. That is what irreparably injured my manhood. Fortunately, I also had a woman inside.

If humankind acts wisely, abortion, and the laws that control it, will eventually be obsolete.

Keeping and Bearing Arms
Guns are not implements of civilization, but they exist, and keeping them is not necessarily incompatible with civilization. A civilized person should be able to keep anything, as long as it can be kept and secured responsibly. In our time, it makes sense to require a renewable permit that includes training in using and securing firearms.

Gun crime is a failure of information on many levels, from the curated "gangsta" culture of the "hood," to the "viral challenge" aspect of mass shootings. If the American people did not have access to guns, they would be goaded into bludgeoning and knifing each other to death, like in England.

Be aware that the mere presence of guns in your life is an invitation for the unforeseen, even despite the strictest discipline. For the sake of your fellow travelers, please be mindful to keep it safe.

There really isn't much to any of our problems, but it's profitable to keep people permanently at loggerheads with each other. Consider all of the money that is raised and the attention, time, and effort that is wasted; and then there's the deadly abundance of ill will that is generated. Unfortunately, many people have been conditioned to evaluate the world strictly in terms of personal profit. That is the actual challenge.

By the way, the developing showdown in American politics between capitalism and "socialism" is all for show. If you have doubts about the representative class being able to get things done, consider how quickly, (and without input from the people), they cooked up this straw man ruse to "run train on the progressive agenda." In "AOC" and the risible "Green New Deal," the voodoo circus has symbols to vex and thwart the people's ism-less common sense aspirations. In this crude and ill-natured representation, she is playing the part of yours truly. The ritualized invocation of the public will through effigies is a remnant of primitive religion.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Simulacrum of Civilization

Why allow the people to have what they need when a semblance of it will suffice? In this question is the reason why almost everything representing humankind's vaunted principles is little more than a facade. The only thing that can't be faked is individual volition. Ultimately, it is the people who build civilization and hold it together, or break it apart.

Instead of allowing the facades to be turned into the actual edifices needed by the people, the self-appointed keepers of humankind would rather induce the people to destroy them and replace them with new facades. It is the costly sacrificial maneuver which has ensured their power through the ages. They resort to it when they are losing control. In this new age of unprecedented information access, they are struggling like never before to incite the people to do their dirty work. Beware that they are looking for a cataclysm to preserve their advantage.

The possessors of civilization's institutions act with murderous certainty to determine the status of everyone and the value of everything. Rewards and punishments are meted accordingly. The vast majority is condemned by default to be metaphorically boiled in excrement, while the select elite are celebrated and compensated beyond reason. Despite thousands of years of information progress, the world is kept politically primitive to allow this preposterous level of control.

"Fake news" is one of many straw man decoys deployed in the past few years to defend the authority of this arbitrary reality. The full-spectrum media machine--the proverbial boiling excrement--offers what seems like an unlimited number of viewpoints of the same degrading composition. The dedication to dishonesty required for this daily production is pathological. It makes all of us ill to one degree or another.

An actual, existentially reliable civilization is what a sapient species naturally requires. The current alternative is too much like actual captivity to be anything else.

There is no downside to politically emancipating humankind if it is done sincerely with wisdom and sound judgement. That, after all, is the definition of sapience. There is nothing wrong with our species that an end to its abusive subservience can not cure.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Regarding Human Variety

The ordering of human variety by color-labeled "race" is a primitive construct that is useful only to authoritarian ideologues. In actuality, our genetic diversity is much too varied and interesting to lend itself easily to coarse political manipulation. For example, the following graphic illustrates the population frequency of the Gallic haplogroup, which, historically speaking, is humankind's driving haplogroup. Ocean access provided the advantage that they eventually used to colonize the undiscovered world.

Geographical distribution of haplogroup frequency of hgR1b1b2

What makes all of us human, aside from reproductive compatibility, is that we are mentally compatible. Excepting cognitive dysfunction, all of us are, by nature, capable of knowing the same things. As the world's standard of living improves and technology makes the connections possible, people will have more opportunities to express themselves genetically in beautiful new ways. Our variety truly is a blessing.

By the way, for most words and names with a double "L," it is a mark of Gallic origin. It represents the "Pillars of Hercules," the original name of the gateway between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The Twin Towers of the original World Trade Center were also a symbol of the Pillars, before monomania turned them into sacrificial pyres and replaced them with the "Freedom Tower" pyramid.